I was born in Bath, England, but grew up in Lodève, a small rural town in southern France. When I was 15, I discovered two great passions in my life: art and the environment.

Over the ensuing years I taught myself to paint, and even started exhibiting and selling my work in local galleries. In 2019, I moved briefly to Brittany and while there was nominated as Young Artist of the Year and invited to be one of two featured artists at the annual regional arts salon. Going on from there, in 2022 I had my debut as a muralist creating a piece for the street art festival in Carlisle.

I was hired in my first year to illustrate a children’s picture book ‘Love Your Mother’ written by Veronika Bajwa, and in 2023 I graduated my Bachelors Degree in Illustration with Honours from the University of Cumbria.

My interest in the environment has never faded. Not only does nature inspire my artwork but, in 2015, I won an award from the Region of Hérault, for creating a non-profit environmental organisation called ‘Oeuvre d’Eau’ (Water Works). We organised groups of volunteers to clean the two local rivers in Lodève. I’m pleased to say that it’s still going strong today and the initiative has spread to other nearby towns. The activities I started, like river clean-ups, are still a regular feature of life in Lodève, as are the various teaching programmes (e.g. on the importance of biodiversity, etc).

Watch this space for more information about upcoming projects, publications and exhibitions.



Follow my journey on Instagram.